EOatSEE’s EO Tools & Datasets Internal Workshop

September 8, 2022
Asset 39
EOatSEE - Internal Meeting
EOatSEE members of Work Packages WP1000 and WP3000 organized a full-day workshop on September 8th, 2022, focused on the EO datasets and tools available to be used in EOatSEE.
This workshop was an opportunity for the modelers to meet and interact with EO data experts. ESA experts and other specialists were also invited to contribute in the discussion.
The main objectives of the workshop were: 
  • provide tutorials about the most recent EO datasets over coastal areas
    • Contents
    • Accuracy
    • Spatial + time coverage & resolution
  • Large Q&A time to exchange with modelers
  • Decide together which dataset to be used /where/for which demonstration purpose