Earth Observation Advanced science Tools for Sea level Extreme Events (EOatSEE) is a project funded by ESA and aims to provide an advanced reconstruction of the relevant processes included in Extreme Sea Level (ESL) events and its related coastal hazards, by taking advantage of the novel capabilities and synergies offered by the latest advances in Earth Observation (EO) technology.
While the main focus is to advance the knowledge regarding ESL events, the project includes the development of a pilot program of scientific research and knowledge transfer to early-adopters, focused on six different use cases located in key vulnerable areas. Specific applications are to be employed by these engaged end-users for knowledge-based decision making, evaluating the added value of EO-products on the high-resolution downscaling modelling tools and within historical analysis and future projections of ESL events. Moreover, a community Scientific Roadmap will be developed with the aim of transferring the outcomes of the EOatSEE into future scientific activities and indicating potential topics for additional research.
In order to develop this Scientific Roadmap, which will guide future developments on the outcomes of the project, the Scientific Requirement Workshop addressed the following issues:
This workshop’s goal was to take the most advantage of the expertise of renowned experts in the topic, which will drive the technical and scientific work along EOatSEE.
09:00/09:15 – Welcome remarks / EOatSEE and Scientific Workshop overview
09:15/10:00 – Science cases, Use cases and Advanced science tools: Predictability
10:00/10:45 – Science cases, Use cases and Advanced science tools: Risk and vulnerability assessment
10:45/11:00 – Coffee Break
11:00/12:30 – Science cases, Use cases and Advanced science tools: Process understanding
12:30/13:30 – Lunch break
13:30/15:00 – Interactive review of expert’s feedback
15:00/15:15 – Coffee Break
15:15/16:45 – Roadmap on the long-term research and development plan
16:45/17:00 – Way forward and closing remarks
Contact us for questions, comments or any scientific requirements you wish to share:
If you were not able to participate, you can access the workshop recording here.